Monday, August 29, 2005

The Essential Pregnancy Books

This weekend, Dan and I both read a book called the Happiest Baby on the Block. It's an easy read that focuses on how to stop your colicy baby from crying using the 5 S's - Swaddling, Side/Stomach position, Shhhing, Swinging, and Sucking. We both felt rewarded with a bag of tricks we are looking forward to trying. Other books that have made us feel that way include Baby-Gami (all about the art of swaddling & Slinging your baby with super cute pictures - also features the circumcision wrap), The Pregnancy Bible (all about the nine months, for baby and for mom, and care tips for afterwards too), The Baby Bargains Book - (the baby esentials not to scrimp on, and the others to skip), and The Girlfriends Guide to the First Year. These books have been my guide so far on this pregnancy journey. I also read the typical - "What to Expect When You're Expecting", and found it to be a Dear Abby book filled with potential nightmares to scare new parents, and not very helpful at all. For all preggos out there, my advice would be to skip it.


At August 30, 2005 9:58 AM, Blogger Mama C-ta said...

Good book choices! I wish I had the Baby-Gami, I keep seeing it but since he's almost 2 months old I keep thinking it's too late :( But I just started reading the Happiest Baby too, we almost took a class on it but couldn't make the dates. I hear it is like magic.

Also I'm sorry for my retraction on the lily padz! I think I must be abnormal though since TONS of people recommended them to me and LOVE them. So all those people can't be wrong! I think they'll work for you :)

Also congrats on your pregnancy and impending labor! Can't wait to hear the details when it happens. Wish I saw your site before now!

At August 31, 2005 8:10 AM, Blogger Calvins Mom said...

Thanks Mama-C! No worries! I will keep you posted on the pads - and of course more importantly on the baby ;-)


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