Monday, August 15, 2005

Pregnancy Dreams

I have been having the most vivid dreams lately. They aren't really nightmares, as they seem at the time so real and logical, but they aren't sweet either. The most vivid one so far was that Calvin was born while I was sleeping, and I woke up to this beautiful, squeaky clean baby on my chest. He looked up at my surprised face and said "I'm hungry, Mama." Unfortunately, I couldn't plug in my boobies because Dan had just finished child proofing all the electrical sockets, and didn't teach me the trick to them. Then I woke up, all scared I couldn't plug in my breasts to feed my baby, and realized how comical that is.
Other news from the Massachusetts Tax-Free hot holiday weekend was that we child-proofed our TV station by buying a new cabinet that hides the wires, and finally made it out to the beach to float the belly in the refreshing water. Ahhhh. That was nice!


At August 19, 2005 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is the funnest Dream !! Remind me to tell you my pregnancy dream!!
Luv Ya
Aunt Jane


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