Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Calvin has a big head, little body.

He got his 6 month shots on Friday, and measured 24.5 inches long, and 16 lbs, 12 oz. His weight is in the 50 percentile, his length is in the 25 percentile, and his head circumfrence is a whopping 75 percentile. He barely winced for his shots, as he was too busy playing with the measuring tape. Mr. Drool is going to sprout teeth seemingly anyday now, his gums are hard and he can't put enough objects in his mouth. This week we are trying out a new daycare, and so far so good. I like his new place thankgoodness! This past weekend Papa EE and Mama CC came to visit, and we went out to Sushi. Calvin loved the miso soup. He wolfed it down. He also got some applesauce this weekend, and was very happy.